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Vivado Practice


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Nov 5, 2019 More stuff
Nov 4, 2019 Add UG903
Oct 31, 2019 Happy Halloween
Sep 20, 2019 Created


Partition Pins

The partition pins are inserted by Vivado at the boundary of a PR region. PartPin is short for Partition Pins. PPLOC is short for Partpin LOC.

Get the list of partition pins: tcl get_pplocs -pins [get_pins -hier *]

Partition pin (seems) map to a NODE: ```tcl % report_property [get_pplocs -pins [get_pins XXX]] % report_property [get_pplocs -pins [get_pins inst_count/count_out[0]]]

INFO: [Vivado 12-4841] Found PartPin: INT_X17Y790/NN1_E_BEG3 Property Type Read-only Value BASE_CLOCK_REGION string true X0Y13 CLASS string true node ```



The document describe this as: Pblock property that prevents the placement of any logic not belonging to the Pblock inside the defined Pblock range.

During my own simple experiment, I found that even Vivado will not place other logics into the Pblock, the routes of static region can still go across pblock.


References: UG909 and UG905.

The contained routing requirement of RP Pblocks for UltraScale and UltraScale+ devices has been relaxed to allow for improved routing and timing results. Instead of routing being confined strictly to the resources owned by the Pblock, the routing footprint is expanded.

Note that this option is enabled by default. When this option is enabled, 1) not all interface ports receive a partition pin, 2) the RP will use routing resources outside its confined area. This is annonying in some way.

If this option is disabled, the implications are: 1) each interface port (per bit) receivces a partition pin, 2) RP will only resources confined to its pblocks, 3) the generated PR bitstream will be smaller, 4) hd_visual/ will not be generated.

However, this option does not prevent routings from the static region from crossing RPs.

This command is useful when you want to do some hacking about Partition Pins. Actually, you can also do this via GUI.

tcl set_param hd.routingContainmentAreaExpansion false

But you wouldn’t believe that: Static routing is still allowed to use resources inside of the Pblock. The implication is also obvious: all PR bitstreams and even blank bitstream will also have the static routing, if their targeted Pblocks happen to have static routing in the first place. This is also why we will need the static bitstream as the base to do PR bitstream generation.

Clear RM and Lock Down Static

These commands clear out the Reconfigurable Module logics from the whole design and then lock down the static region and static routing. (Reference: UG947)

```tcl update_design -cell XXX -black_box

lock_design -level routing ```


Get the routing of a net

tcl set net [get_nets XXX] get_property ROUTE $net

Lock the routing of a net

We need to lock both the net and the connected cells. Reference is UG903.

Following commands lock a route of a net. This net is already routed. You could run one by one. After execution, the route will become dashed (means locked). Replace the net name with your interested one. ```bash set net [get_nets inst_count/count_out[0]] get_property ROUTE $net set_property FIXED_ROUTE [get_property ROUTE $net] $net

set_property is_bel_fixed 1 [get_cells XXX] set_property is_loc_fixed 1 [get_cells XXX] ```

Manual routing

A great GUI-based manual routing tutorial can be found at UG986 Lab 3. The last step of manual routing, of course is to lock down the LOC and set FIXED_ROUTE.

But how can we manually route an unrouted net? The difficulty is that we need to manually find out all the connection nodes/tiles etc.. This applies to LOC placement as well.



  • UG912 Vivado Properties Reference Guide
    • Excellent resource on explaining cell, net, pin, port, and so on.
    • Differentiate Netlist Objects and Device Resource Objects.
      • Netlist Objects
        • pin: A pin is a point of logical connectivity on a primitive or hierarchical cell. A pin allows the contents of a cell to be abstracted away, and the logic simplified for ease-of-use. A pin is attached to a cell and can be connected to pins on other cells by a net. get_pins -of [get_cells XXX]. get_pins XXX
        • port: A port is a special type of hierarchical pin, providing an external connection point at the top-level of a hierarchical design, or an internal connection point in a hierarchical cell or block module to connect the internal logic to the pins on the hierarchical cell.
        • cell: A cell is an instance of a netlist logic object, which can either be a leaf-cell or a hierarchical cell. A leaf-cell is a primitive, or a primitive macro, with no further logic detail in the netlist. A hierarchical cell is a module or block that contains one or more additional levels of logic, and eventually concludes at leaf-cells. .. cells have PINs which are connected to NETs to define the external netlist… The CELL can be placed onto a BEL object in the case of basic logic such as flops, LUTs, and MUXes; or can be placed onto a SITE object in the case of larger logic cells such as BRAMs and DSPs.
        • net: A net is a set of interconnected pins, ports, and wires. Every wire has a net name, which identifies it. Two or more wires can have the same net name. All wires sharing a common net name are part of a single NET, and all pins or ports connected to these wires are electrically connected. .. In the design netlist, a NET can be connected to the PIN of a CELL, or to a PORT. .. As the design is mapped onto the target Xilinx FPGA, the NET is mapped to routing resources such as WIREs, NODEs, and PIPs on the device, and is connected to BELs through BEL_PINs, and to SITEs through SITE_PINs.
        • pblock: A Pblock is a collection of cells, and one or more rectangular areas or regions that specify the device resources contained by the Pblock. Pblocks are used during floorplanning placement to group related logic and assign it to a region of the target device.
          • Example create_pblock Pblock_usbEngine
            add_cells_to_pblock [get_pblocks Pblock_usbEngine] [get_cells -quiet [listusbEngine1]]
            resize_pblock [get_pblocks Pblock_usbEngine] -add {SLICE_X8Y105:SLICE_X23Y149}
            resize_pblock [get_pblocks Pblock_usbEngine] -add {DSP48_X0Y42:DSP48_X1Y59}
            resize_pblock [get_pblocks Pblock_usbEngine] -add {RAMB18_X0Y42:RAMB18_X1Y59}
            resize_pblock [get_pblocks Pblock_usbEngine] -add {RAMB36_X0Y21:RAMB36_X1Y29}
      • Device Resource Objects
        • BEL: 1) leaf-level cells from the netlist design can be mapped onto bels on the target part 2) Bels are grouped in sites. 3) Each bel has bel_pins that map to pins on the cells. 4) get_bels -of [get_cells XX], get_bels -of [get_nets XX], and so on.
        • BEL_PIN: 1) a pin or connection point on a BEL object. 2) BEL_PIN is a device object, associated with netlist objects such as the PIN on a CELL, which is the connection point for the NET. 3) get_bel_pins -of_objects [get_pins -of [get_cells XXX]]
        • TILE
        • SITE
        • NODE
        • WIRE
        • PIP
    • CONTAIN_ROUTING: The CONTAIN_ROUTING property restricts the routing of signals contained within a Pblock to use routing resources within the area defined by the Pblock. This prevents signals inside the Pblock from being routed outside the Pblock, and increases the reusability of the design.
      • This is useful when you are trying to do advanced PR hacks.
  • UG835 Vivado TCL Reference Guide
    • aka. Vivado TCL Man Page. Read this with the above UG912.
  • UG894 Vivado Using TCL scripting
    • Get you started with Vivado TCL
  • UG903 Using Constraints

    • About Xilinx XDC files. You will need to understand UG912 first.
    • Physical Constraints
      • DONT_TOUCH. Prevent netlist optimizations. 1) prevent a net from being optimized away. 2) Prevent merging of manually replicated logic.
      • Placement constraints
      • Routing constraints
  • Book: Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk

Partial Reconfiguration Related

  • UG909 Partial Reconfiguration
    • Partition Pins
      • Interface points called partition pins are automatically created within the Pblock ranges defined for the Reconfigurable Partition. These virtual I/O are established within interconnect tiles as the anchor points that remain consistent from one module to the next.
      • In UltraScale or UltraScale+ designs, not all interface ports receive a partition pin. With the routing expansion feature, as explained in Expansion of CONTAIN_ROUTING Area, some interface nets are completely contained within the expanded region. When this happens, no partition pin is inserted; the entire net, including the source and all loads, is contained within the area captured by the partial bit file. Rather than pick an unnecessary intermediate point for the route, the entire net is rerouted, giving the Vivado tools the flexibility to pick an optimal solution.
      • Exmaple set_property HD.PARTPIN_LOCS INT_R_X4Y153 [get_ports ]
        set_property HD.PARTPIN_RANGE SLICE_X4Y153:SLICE_X5Y157 [get_ports ]
        set_property HD.PARTPIN_RANGE {SLICE_Xx0Yx0:SLICE_Xx1Yy1 SLICE_XxNYyN:SLICE_XxMYyM} [get_pins /*]
      • These pins can be manually relocated and locked.
  • UG905 Hierarchical Design
    • Add the CONTAIN_ROUTING property to all OOC Pblocks. Without this property, lock_design cannot lock the routing of an imported module because it cannot be guaranteed that there are no routing conflicts

Some IPs

  • UG947 has the sample code for the PR Controller IP
    • It does not support simulation. Thus we can not probe any ICAP related signals.
  • Ultrascale+ SEM does not have any useful ICAP usage signals in Simulation.
  • xapp1230 has some TCL scripts to perform JTAG readback.

Last update: November 15, 2019


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