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Dot Configs

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Dec 17, 2020 started

Like many others, I maintain my own dot-file repo: It helps me setup the terminal whenever I start using a new machine.

I’m a heavy terminal user. For whatever coding task (e.g., kernel, RDMA, FPGA, scala, C), I use terminal. I sometimes use terminal to write paper as well.

There are several important tools I rely on: zsh, git, neovim, and tmux. And I’m grateful for folks working on these tools and their plugins.

  • For zsh, I use oh-my-zsh.
  • For git, I use git alias.
  • For tmux, I use tpm. I used to cook status line myself, but I have switched to powerline.
  • For nvim, I use vundle. And I have several cooked keys.


I’m using several popular tools: NERD Tree, NERD commenter, GitGutter, and Tagbar.

I created the following mapped keys so that I could invoke them quite easily. Basically I press \ first, and then press t, or f, or g. map \l :TagbarToggle<Enter> => to toggle tagbar list map \f :NERDTreeToggle<CR> => to toggle nerd file tree map \g :GitGutterLineHighlightsToggle<Enter> :GitGutterSignsToggle<Enter> => to highlight git difference

Besides, I have several extra syntax files, for C, ASM, scala, and verilog. I started this when I was hacking linux kernel. It has so many new awesome macros (e.g., BUG_ON, for_each_cpu) and I want to diffrentiate them from normal functions. So I added those after/syntax files.

Colorful Man Pages

This is one thing I highly recommend. It was always a pain reading man pages, not until I found this trick. We can, in fact, redirect man outputs into vim, which in turn can present the text in a colorway.

Add these to your shell dotconfig: bash vman() { man $* | col -b | vim -c 'set ft=man nomod nolist' -; } alias man="vman"


For git, I’m using git alias and a tool call tig.

The git alias project has quite a lot shortcuts. Those are my most used ones: ```bash g s

g l g ll g lll

g d g dc g ds ```

Last update: January 1, 2021


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